Superconscious Coach | Property Developer
Online Investor | Marketer | Tourism Operator
Find your passion and relaunch your career;
Network effectively and secure your next position;
Create a fabulous resume and sell yourself;
Identify and act upon opportunities for change;
Fuel your own success;
Utilize the most effective job search strategies;
Hard Copy of '101 Great Ways To Compete In Today's Job Market' (Valued at $19.95)
BONUS: Your Wish is Your Command Audio13 Discs Mp3 (Valued at $110.00)
BONUS: Procrastination Ebook (Valued at $17.95)
101 Great Ways to Compete In Today's Job Market is designed for a broad audience ranging from the recent college graduate to the retired professional seeking a second career. It is a clear, concise menu of information to choose from, featuring many of the industry’s top experts.
This book can be used as a traditional reference guide. You can look up any of our top expert authors and find their contact information in their bios. Most have listed emails, websites and phone numbers.
The book can be read from cover to cover. Each chapter stands alone. Read it all the way through or out of sequence. Find what interests you today and go read something else tomorrow.
This life-changing set of audio CD's details the thought process behind the world's most successful people. Take complete control of your life and learn how to manifest your every personal and financial wish, plus much, much more.
Procrastination is a common challenge that holds many of us back from reaching our full potential.
This eBook delves into practical strategies to help you overcome procrastination and start achieving your goals today.
Learn how to prioritize income-generating tasks, embrace responsibilities, set clear visions and goals, and face your fears head-on.
Discover the power of immediate action, reducing stress, and maintaining a positive mindset.
With actionable steps and insights, you'll be equipped to break free from procrastination and unlock your success.
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